During iPad mania, a quick trip to the Apple store was in order to feel the energy and enthusiasm.
One of the great ironies of the visit, was the fact that the purchases made through the WiFi system in the store are now being processed on an iPod Touch with a special case that includes a card swipe and bar code reader.
The new Apple devices replaced a Windows Mobile solution that Apple used up until a few months ago.
The hardware that Apple replaced, was from Fujitsu. The brand name of the Fujitsu product, the iPad.
The Darwin awards acknowledge people who improve the gene pool of humanity, by accidently removing themselves from it. While winning the award guarantees that the same individual will not try it again, nothing guarentees that the same actions won't be tried again by someone else.
The same thing is true in business.
Evolution only learns from success.
When something is attempted that does not work, it is tough for others to learn from it. Success on the other hand continues, and can be emulated and improved on.

When the folks at 37Signals make those kind of statements, they may sound more like anarchists than the very successful business people that they are.
Their book REWORK has been on the NY Times best selling list, and this is inspite of going against most of the conventional wisdom for startups.
Have we reached a tipping point in the use of technology driven by the iPad?
The Ottawa Hospital has announced that it will be one of the first hospitals to go in with a big time trial on the iPad.
Wireless medical devices have reached a combination of reduced size, increased range, and amazing sophistication that changes will feel like the Star Trek medical tricorder.