After an interesting development route, PhotowalkIdeas is now available in the iTunes App Store. This is RKIL's first consumer product, and it targeted at photographers who are looking for ways to improve their ability to see ideas and concepts.

RKIL has a number of other iPhone apps under development, and expects to release several in 2010. In addition to consumer apps, a number of specialized apps are being developed under contract.

AuthorJamie Johnson

After an interesting development route, PhotowalkIdeas is now available in the iTunes App Store. This is RKIL's first consumer product, and it targeted at photographers who are looking for ways to improve their ability to see ideas and concepts.

RKIL has a number of other iPhone apps under development, and expects to release several in 2010. In addition to consumer apps, a number of specialized apps are being developed under contract.

AuthorJamie Johnson

Have we reached a tipping point in the use of technology driven by the iPad?

The Ottawa Hospital has announced that it will be one of the first hospitals to go in with a big time trial on the iPad.

Wireless medical devices have reached a combination of reduced size, increased range, and amazing sophistication that changes will feel like the Star Trek medical tricorder.

AuthorJamie Johnson

When the iPhone was released, Microsoft's Steve Balmer laughed at it indicating that he did not think it would appeal to business customers. The iPhone has gone on to change every smart phone out there.

Apple announced the iPad on January 27, 2010, and the market began to change. The HP Slate had shown off at the CES in January 2010 by Steve Balmer, and it has now been withdrawn from the market.

With rumors of over a 1,000,000 shipped in less than a month, in only the US market, it will change the way people see computers.

AuthorJamie Johnson