

Although about 2% of the people in the world stutter, there is very little research into helping people who do. There is no know cause, no known cure.

iCanSpeak is a deeply personal project. It comes from years of sharing the challenges of someone who stutters, and looking for anything you can do to help.

Research has shown that a technique called ‘choral speaking’ has been successful for some people who stutter. Choral speaking involves two or more people saying the same thing, at the same time.

Choral speaking can be simulated with technology, though to date it has been expensive and cumbersome.

Implementation by RKIL

RKIL create an app that provides people who stutter with the option to use an iPhone with the Live module to simulate choral speaking. To assist with work with a Speech Pathologist, the Techniques module provides exercises that can assist with establishing and maintaining fluency.

The project is also building a Care module which will provide ways to gather data and work with a Speech Language Pathologist remotely.

AuthorJamie Johnson


The Office of Energy Efficiency at Natural Resources Canada is responsible for Section 5 of the Energy Efficiency Act which is intended to help Canada become more energy efficient. Part of that mandate includes making the public aware of energy efficient options for appliances and other home projects. 

NRCan has just taken an additional step with the release of the ENERGYSTAR Most efficiency 2011 app into the Apple App Store.

Implementation by RKIL

RKIL has been working with NRCan for almost 20 years on the EnerGuide and ENERGYSTAR projects, and proposed the creation of an iPhone app to allow mobile users to find information that they could use to make informed purchases.

The iPhone app was created by RKIL to allow users to find out them most efficient products from the Heat Pumps, Central Air Conditioners, Clothes Washers, Refrigerators and Televisions. The app works in both official languages.

AuthorJamie Johnson
CategoriesMobile App