The storm that went through southern Ontario and Quebec has left RKIL without power, probably until May 28th or so. While we have no electricity at home, we had no injuries or direct damage to the house or vehicle, though it was close.

As a result of the power outage, email services for sites that we host has been interrupted until power can be restored. We apologize for this significant inconvenience.

There has been a plan in place to migrate the services for,,,, and over to make use of Google Workspace and Gmail. The service for already runs on Google Workspace, and we have already an emergency migration of and yesterday.

The original plan was to migrate these service after this year’s fishing season in order to minimize disruption to normal workflow. However considering the importance of email at this time of year, we are going to do an emergency migration of all the services.

We will collect secondary email addresses (probably your current personal emails) so that we can send you instructions on how to sign in to the new accounts. During the migration, you will have two email systems to deal with, your exisiting email client (Mail, Outlook ..) for your current emails, as well as your new email in a browser. Once the power stabilizes here we will work with you individually to get back to a single place for your emails.

With the new account we recommend the following:

  1. Sign in on your desktops using a web browser (Safari, Chrome, Edge…) instead of connecting using your standard email client (Mail, Outlook …). This will keep all your existing emails that are in folders including your inbox and sent mail in place.

  2. On your mobile devices, you should download and use the Gmail app. This will keep any filed emails on your phone accessible.

Once we have made the conversions we will go through the process of moving your filed emails over to the new clients. This will be done individually to ensure that all your email history will be maintained.

We will do our best to make the migration as smooth as possible.

If you have questions, please reach out to me at Jamie Johnson

AuthorJamie Johnson